Sunday, March 27, 2011


March 25, 2011, the most awaited day of my life. Finally, it's the time to graduate! Yey!

Woke up really early though because our graduation starts at 7:30 in the morning (assembly time is 6:30am at CAFA lobby). I was a bit "mad" that morning 'cause I was running late. Drove the car like crazy until I arrive at school with Mama and Ate Elsa. Then, cameras were flashing everywhere, capturing every moment; the last days of our College lives. Special thanks to Jan, Arlen's boyfriend for being our photographer that day and also to Ate Elsa for doing my hair and makeup and for taking some shots too.

Group shot at the CAFA lobby while waiting for the program to start.

With the best friend, we're excited to march already!

Picture with Sir Lavin who is extremely tall. Haha

Started the program with a mass.
With Mama at the altar, after the mass.
My turn.

The Dean and Department Chairs of CAS (College of Arts and Sciences)

We're waiting for our turn. The Dept. of Computer Science is the last one to be called.

Getting my diploma from the Dean. He even fixed my cap on stage! Hahaha

Alumni Pledge

Showing off our "diplomas"

With the CS and Math graduates

We made it guys!

Hats off to the graduates of 2011!

Finally our moms met! The women behind our success!

Mama graduated too!

The best friend, the mother, and me

The best friend, her mother, and me

Ate Elsa and the graduates

With the lovers, Arlen and Jan

With Mama while waiting for our food to be served at Cafe Laguna.

Finally, I'm through!

The outfit. :))

To my fellow graduates and friends, we finally made it guys! College days may be over but the bond will always be there. I'm thankful to be sharing my college life with you guys. It will never be as fun and exciting without you! Congratulations to us again!

To Arlen, thank you for always being there for me throughout our College life. May our friendship continue to grow 'til the years to come. 

To Mama, I am more than thankful to you! Thank you for everything, for giving me my life and for supporting me all the way. My success is also your success. I may not say this always, but I love you Mama!

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